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thus, the pink jellybean was born. I never, ever in my wildest dreams would have guessed that it would turn into something, anything at all. I still get nervous, making something, I'm always wondering "will people even like this" but so far, well, you have. and I have lovely fans, and they have lovely little girls and I enjoy dressing them in my designs.
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I'm hoping that this blog, will not only keep you up-to-date on my little growing family, but my little growing {I hope} business as well. I will hope to share with you all of my creative thoughts and maybe even some tutorials as well as my fav tutorials I have found online and tried.
a few question and answers... {I get these a lot}
Where in the world did you learn to sew?
well, that's simple, I took 4 sewing classes my senior year of high school on top of at least one every other year that I was in high school. I had 4 electives to take, so I took them all with my fav teacher and coach {love ya, B}, I helped organize a fashion show for my clothing construction class, I was in to it big. at the time, I just loved doing it, I never thought that it would come in handy down the road.
What kind of machine and/or serger do you use?
I love my viking machine and brother serger!! love...
How do you balance having an 18 month old and keeping up with the pinkjellybean
at times it can be tough, but for the most part I try to sew while she's sleeping.. nap time or late at night {remember I work nights so it's not uncommon for me to stay up half the night sewing because I just can't sleep}
where do you buy your fabric??
I'll never tell ;) I love fabric, maybe even a bit addicted to it as well. I love unusual parings and have my favorite designers. I love this one particular fabric store in a town nearby.. I'm serious, I get giddy the whole hour drive there.. yes I'm a fabric nerd!!
how do you come up with your designs
it usually hits me just the time I lay down for the night. I come up with an idea and then can't stop. my mind starts racing and another sleepless night {seeing a trend here?? yea, I don't sleep}
have more questions?? I'd love to hear them!!
a quick tour of this blog, about-well, the quick version of the last 3 days of introductions, the pinkjellybean- my shop, feel free to click on the link and browse my store. blogs I {heart}- these are my friends {and I use the term loosely, some of these people I think of as my friends, although they have no idea who I am, I just read their blogs, daily} but really, some of these people truly are my friends and actually know me and have lovely blogs and you should check them out and lastly contact-you can always drop me a line for anything, really, I mean that!
now, onto more fun stuff.. I can't wait for tomorrow's post.. anyone else a Glee fan??? me, me me..
I can't wait to get to know everyone and please leave me some love.. let me know you stopped by.

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