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Thursday, January 24, 2013

Trying to keep it clean here...

Many of you asked about my "loose cleaning schedule" that I mentioned here...!

While it is still a work in progress, I will share the rough draft with you today friends.

I have bumped into several different cleaning schedules via pinterest,
and while they all would work!
I needed something a little more personalized for me and my house and my schedule.
So I tried to think of those things that I do {or let's face it, should do} everyday,
and develop a system that would get me looking like the perfect housewife,
or at least keep my house tidy!
and one that wouldn't take up most of my day as well.

I broke it up into two different sections..

Those things that I need to do every day, which I call my Dailies
{is that a word? like the plural of daily??}
and then specific cleaning duties assigned to each day of the week.

Sure, I am positive I forgot something, and as I get going with my cleaning schedule and see that something needs to be added, I will throw it in...  that's the beauty with it being my schedule and that it is flexible!

Dailies // cleaning duties that are to be done everyday!

with scheduled cleaning on specific days...

I couldn't help myself with these cute papers from pic monkey

Swing days include all those fun things like cleaning the fridge, organizing closets,
cleaning base boards, etc.

And my good old fashioned floor scrubbing includes me + hands and knees + bucket of hot water and vinegar = good times friends!  {It only smells like a pickle until it dries, don't worry}

There you have it!
Let's see if I can stick to this routine and keep a clean home!  I'll let you know how it goes!  Any of you follow a schedule that works for you?  See anything I am forgetting??

Have a lovely Thursday!  and Keep it clean!


1 comment:

  1. I loved this post and the way you presented it! Just lovely!!! btw, we need a cleaning schedule in our house. I might present this to the ram tonight!



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