I organized all my fabrics by color and type, put all my sewing tools in a specified area, my shipping supplies and ready to ship orders have a bin, and all my notions, trims, ribbons, etc are organized in bins in the lower cabinets. I think this is going to help me be more efficient and also, well, its so pretty to look at. oh, and those 2 huge blue bins, those are chalk full of scraps, too pretty to throw away, scraps. I need to find a good project to use them on... if you have a good scrap project, send it my way!!!
you know your a total geek when you get this excited about your fabric stash, isn't it just perdy?? {see this fabric in the right bottom corner??? this will become my very first quilt, and I can't wait to get started on it}
the other day, my bestie molly sent me a link to a "bloggie book." it had great information on keeping your blog ideas organized and even had some printables for FREE. so I hopped to it, bought a bright pink binder and printed off these awesome sheets, and voila, an organized blog book. it has a place for me to write out my weeks posts, to-do lists, blog parties I want to attend, and even ideas for next week. then I created tabs for projects, tutorials, ideas, inspiration and a whole stack of college ruled notebook paper to doodle and jot ideas down. want to make your own blog book?? check out the awesome post here
and last order of business... probably the most important to continue my blogging and my "online" store, I bought a new laptop. I love it...
my daugter always has a way of finding herself in my pics.. and wel,l she usually makes them sweeter... see those little monkey pajama legs in the screen? so funny! so here's to more blogging, etsy-ing, pinning, twittering..
now, I just need a laptop bag. Im tryng to win one here, one of my favs, gussy, is celebrating all week long with awesome giveaways for her 1 year anniversary. {inspired by this little lady} so check her out and enter to win, but if you win the laptop bag, you have to share, ok just kidding, well kind of!!
oh, and speaking of giveaways, you may just want to check back here tomorrow.. I may have a little something up my sleeve!! have a lovely day friends!
Thanks for the shout out!!